Did You Know?
- Rough sleeping figures rose to 17 in Jan this year from 7 in the previous autumn.
- Rough sleeping is up by 55% in England in five years – Shelter
- Up to 50% of rough sleepers have been found to suffer with mental health problems – parliament.uk
- Nobody of sound mind chooses to spend long periods of time as street homeless. Rough sleeping is proven to cause or contribute to mental ill health, physical health issues or substance misuse. For this reason, rough sleeping should never be considered as a ‘lifestyle choice’.
- Often people who sleep rough turn their back on society because they feel as though society has already done the same to them.
- Much of the role of the Outreach Worker is to restore a rough sleepers faith in humanity and to help get them the support that they need to be able to trust others and to live under a roof again
- Most rough sleepers want stability; a decent life, to work, to have a family and to be loved
54% increase in rough sleeping in Torbay in last 12 months
Rough sleepers in Torbay
in November 2024
Men and women welcomed into the hostel from the streets
Volunteers that support
residents in the hostel